Locate yourself!
Camping Flor & Cabelo is located on a beach called Cumbuco, in the municipality of Caucaia, approximately 35 kilometers from Fortaleza airport.
Camping Flor & Cabelo is located on a beach called Cumbuco, in the municipality of Caucaia, approximately 35 kilometers from Fortaleza airport.
Camping Flor & Hair Cultural Station
How do I get there?!
The nearest airport is Fortaleza International Airport.
If you'll coming from abroad, has three airlines in Brazil and many others from all part of World.
Choice Fortaleza City (FOR)
For more flight information:
More information about flights:
More expensive, but very safe, taxis are an alternative, especially for those who do not have internet available. Look for the ticket window at the airport itself to avoid "pirate" taxi drivers.
Great alternative for those who want to spend less and arrive on time. Place CAMPING ESTAÇÃO CULTURAL FLOR & CABELO in the destination.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The trip from the airport to here costs an average of R $ 65 reais, varying in the dynamic price.
Ceará is connected to all of Brazil by roads.
If the option was bus, interstate or collective, we suggest searching the VIAÇÃO VITÓRIA website for CUMBUCO departure times and points.
We are a family owned and operated business.
There are two paths: the 363 via Mr. Hull (and Av. Bezerra de Meneses) and the 366 via Beira Mar.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Get off at the point just after the Tukano inn and follow the map on foot.
It is very likely that tourism agents will appear who offer transfers and transfers in private VANs.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Check the team's value and credentials. It is a good alternative for large groups and walks on the beaches.